Bangladesh is a sub-tropical country located in the southeast of Asia. In this naturally fertile land, it is possible to improve the standard of living including socio-economic and food and nutrition security by increasing agricultural production. According to the data of BBS 2014-15, the current population of Bangladesh is about 173 million and 20-22 million people are being added to the population every year. It is estimated that by 2050, if the population of Bangladesh continues to grow at a rate of 1.38 percent, the population will be around 23.0 crore. Strengthening food production and management is essential to ensure food and nutrition security for this growing population. The contribution of agriculture sector to GDP is 15.33% and the contribution of crop sector to agriculture sector is 54.28% (Economic Survey 2016). Globally, The world's 160 million hectares of paddy land produces 460 million tons of rice. An additional 25 percent production will be needed to meet the needs of the world's population by 2030. According to a UNDP study, Bangladesh's population growth rate was 2.75 percent in 1970 and slowed to 1.22 percent in 2014. As described, the population of Bangladesh will stand at 215.4 million in 2050 and will stabilize at 24.28 million in the Silver Jubilee of Independence (BRRI 2015). Above all, scientists need to adopt research and development plans with the idea of meeting the food needs of 250 million people (BRRI 2015). In 22 parts. As described, the population of Bangladesh will stand at 215.4 million in 2050 and will stabilize at 24.28 million in the Silver Jubilee of Independence (BRRI 2015). Above all, scientists need to adopt research and development plans with the idea of meeting the food needs of 250 million people (BRRI 2015). In 22 parts. As described, the population of Bangladesh will stand at 215.4 million in 2050 and will stabilize at 24.28 million in the Silver Jubilee of Independence (BRRI 2015). Above all, scientists need to adopt research and development plans with the idea of meeting the food needs of 250 million people (BRRI 2015).
Significant subsidies and urea, TSP, DAP, MOP fertilizers, reduction in oil prices, subsidization of agricultural mechanization, increase in irrigation facilities, incentives in agriculture, radical change in fertilizer distribution system, supply of high quality rice seeds, adversity tolerance. As a result of variety innovation, rice production has increased by 3.4 lakh tonnes in the last few years. In recent times, Bangladesh has achieved unprecedented success in grain production. At present the production of rice is 3 crore 46 lakh tons. If this trend of increasing crop production continues, the production of rice will be 46.2 million tons in 2050 and on the contrary, in 2050, rice will be needed to meet the food needs of 21.54 million people.
The statistics of the last 10 years show that the production of major crops such as paddy, wheat, maize, potato, pulses, oilseeds, fruits and vegetables is gradually increasing. Crop diversification, increasing crop density, subsidies on agricultural inputs, progress in research and expansion are all factors in the success of the government's inputs distribution policy. The first and foremost challenge in achieving the goal of achieving sustainable food security is to accelerate the genetic gain of modern varieties of rice. Crop area in the country is declining at the rate of 0.73% or 7.60 hectare per year (Source SRDI-2013). As a result, there is less opportunity to expand cultivable land. Therefore, the need for a profitable, sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural system to ensure long-term food security is immense.
Coping with the problems posed by climate change, efficiency in the use of inputs, protection of soil health, post-harvest losses, conservation and distribution of agricultural products, and ensuring food security for a growing population on declining arable land is a major challenge for Bangladesh's agriculture. In this case, Vertical expansion is inevitable as the horizontal expansion of food production is blocked. Hybrid varieties with high yielding varieties (HYV) are already being used in crop production. Efforts are being made to produce new varieties of Bt-rich eggplant and RB-gene-rich potatoes and other GMO seeds. Seed is one of the agricultural inputs. Using only good seeds can increase crop productivity by about 20%. 23% quality seeds are used in agriculture in Bangladesh and about 20% of the seeds are supplied / sold to the farmers by packaging them in an officially tested way. The remaining 80% of seeds are sold in the open without testing; With which it is not possible to produce the desired crop.
The government is implementing a number of activities including digging canals using surface water and setting up rubber dams on rivers. The Ministry of Agriculture has taken initiative to increase crop productivity and cropping intensity by introducing new cropping pattern through the inclusion of economical irrigation crops. There is a need to increase the average yield up to 4.82 t / ha by adopting sophisticated breeding techniques and taking timely steps at the field level. Therefore every year 0. Genetic gain at the rate of 44 t / ha needs to be accelerated. Qualitative changes are taking place in the food list as a result of conducting “Nutritious Balanced Food Management” activities to achieve sustainable food security for the people. People are using bread instead of rice and the use of fruits and vegetables is increasing. The only goal of the government is to create employment, increase income and alleviate poverty of the rural people by inventing and expanding improved varieties and sustainable production technologies of different crops. Research institutes are working tirelessly to innovate new varieties and production technologies of paddy, wheat, maize, jute, cotton, sugarcane and other crops such as tuber crops, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, flowers, spices etc. Agricultural scientists, agricultural extension experts are emphasizing on eco-friendly crop varieties and production technologies according to different agro-ecological zones. Various adverse conditions such as drought, waterlogging,
One of the goals of the agriculture sector under the Seventh Five Year Plan is to produce nutritious and varied food to provide daily energy to the people. Every year, agricultural land is being used for housing, road construction and other purposes. However, due to climate change, lack of skills in materials use, soil health erosion, post-harvest damage, lack of storage facilities, lack of subsidy on production materials and other activities Consistent production of important crops is not possible. The government has drastically reduced the price of fertilizers and made it easier for farmers to get loans from banks. So, If quality seeds can be delivered to the doorsteps of the farmers at a fair price in time, the crop production will increase tremendously. More investment and reform is needed to ensure sustainable and consistent production of major and minor crops.
The government is adopting a master plan for the development of agriculture in the south as well as agriculture in the north of the country. In line with the Seventh Five Year Plan, National Agriculture Policy, National Seed Policy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the people of the country have to produce safe food to avoid public health risks and create orchards in hilly areas for backward ethnic groups. And multi-step measures are being taken including expansion of vegetable cultivation and integrated agricultural support projects in underdeveloped char areas. Shorten agricultural production to meet the needs of future growing populations, It is very important to take medium and long term measures. A number of important reforms have already been undertaken in the agricultural sector to achieve food security. As a result, tremendous development has been achieved at different levels of crop production and management. Increasing the rate of globally recognized agricultural subsidies has become essential to ensure sustainable production systems that are in tune with the needs of the growing population. E-agriculture needs to be considered more seriously to bring information on agricultural production to the doorsteps of farmers. The market system also needs to be radically changed.
The main challenges of agriculture in Bangladesh
1) Gradual decrease in agricultural land (at the rate of 0.63% per annum or 8.60 hectares per annum) (Source SRDI-2013).
2) Adverse effects of climate such as floods, droughts, waterlogging, salinity, high temperatures, outbreaks of new insects and diseases.
3) Insufficiency of irrigation water;
4) Lack of efficiency in water use
5) Decreasing number of agricultural workers at an increasing rate.
6) greater yield difference; (High Yield Gap).
6) high levels of post-harvest damage; (20 to 35%).
6) Decreased soil fertility.
9) Decline of Kauli resources.
10) Inadequate market management.
11) Excessive use of chemicals in crop production.
12) Inadequate budget in research and extension sector.
13. Not being able to exceed the yield ceiling.
14) Lack of skill in using agricultural inputs.
15) Lack of adequate archives.
18) Inadequacy of quality seeds.
17) Weaknesses in education, research, extension and farmer connectivity.
16) Lack of farmer training.
19. Ignorance about nutrition.
20) Do not change the diet.
21) Lack of supervision and commitment of field level extension workers.
22. Lack of interest of young class in agriculture.
23) Slow down in agricultural mechanization.
24) Insufficiency of low interest loans; And 25. Lack of entrepreneurs for marketing of post-procurement agricultural products.
Steps to be taken to overcome the challenge:
1. Innovation of high yielding, nutritious and adverse environment tolerant and place based varieties of crops.
2. Germplasm of almost extinct crops is used for collection, storage and breeding.
3. Innovation of advanced and modern production technology.
4. Taking steps to increase the amount of organic matter in the soil.
5. Selection of suitable crops based on agro-ecological zones and determination of crop layout.
. Taking steps to implement Good Agricultural Practices.
. Risks due to climate change (drought, flood, waterlogging, high temperature, etc.)
Undertake research and extension activities in response.
. To develop varieties and other technologies tolerant to diseases and insects, drought, salinity, water retention and high heat tolerance through application of biotechnology in agriculture.
9. Production of diverse crops to achieve nutritional security.
10. Increasing grain density.
11. Encourage agricultural mechanization.
12. Conduct research on supply and value chain and socio-economic development.
13. Ensuring adequate breeding seed production and supply of new varieties of different crops invented by NARS.
14. Inventing post-harvest technology.
15. Transfer of invented varieties and production technology.
16. To increase the application of Information Technology (ICT) in agriculture.
16. To develop integrated farm system management.
16. Strengthening human resource development, administrative and financial management to increase efficiency in agriculture.
19. Ensuring quality seed production and supply.
20. Innovation of high yielding varieties to meet the food needs of the growing population as well as reduction of yield disparities at research, field and farmer level.
21. Adoption and implementation of research and development activities related to food based nutrition (applied nutrition) with a view to improving the nutritional status of the people.
22. Research on the harmful effects of chemicals used in food chains and raising consumer awareness.
23. Raising awareness about nutrition and health of people at all levels by participating in agricultural fairs, World Food Day, Nutrition Week, Environment Day, etc., including publicity in the media and electronic media.
24. Assist in the inclusion or updating of lessons on nutrition in the curriculum of different education levels, in the formulation and preparation of lessons.
25. Increase the use of other advanced technologies, including biotechnology, in the development of crop varieties to accelerate genetic gain or in the development of modern varieties of other crops, including rice, to achieve sustainable food and nutrition security;
26. Encourage basic research in agriculture by OBST.
26. To enact laws for soil fertility and fertilizer management and to make the use of organic manure in the land compulsory.
26. Increase production by ensuring high yielding rice varieties as well as space-based production management, planned use of freshwater, increasing crop density, ensuring suitable crop based crop production management for saline tidal areas.
29. Boro cultivation has been challenged in many areas as water levels have dropped. Therefore, sustainable food production through sustainable water management to ensure crop production using less water.
30. Innovation and expansion of modern varieties of Aus; (Brie, without).
31. Rising production costs of paddy, ostracism of middlemen, deprivation of fair prices to farmers. So to take measures to collect paddy directly from the farmer.
32. Use pesticides as required in crop production and increase the use of pesticides.
33. Strengthen education, research, extension and farmer connectivity.
34. To provide training to the farmers by setting up exhibitions at the upazila level through the Department of Agricultural Extension for the expansion of agricultural technology (this method is followed in the expansion of agricultural technology in China);
35. Surface water through measures such as rainwater harvesting, canal and river re-excavation and desalination
Confirmed extended use. Improving irrigation facilities by conserving rain water through rubber dams, sluice gates, flash gates, dog wells, repair of Hajamja ponds, isle management etc.
36. To increase the opportunities for training of scientists, officials, extension workers and farmers in modern methods of cultivation at home / abroad.
36. Development of market management.
36. Establishment of agricultural archives.
39. To provide incentives at the level of small entrepreneurs for the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products and to provide low interest loans; And
40. Encouragement of mechanization in agriculture.
We know that there are various problems in agriculture which have solutions. We are in a better position in agriculture than many countries. Our rice production is enough to hold that. Bangladesh's position after China and Vietnam in rice production per hectare (our time - April 1, 2015). In 2016, 50,000 tons of rice was exported to Sri Lanka. Wheat cultivation is increasing as a result of innovation of temperature tolerant wheat varieties. At present Bangladesh has a demand of about 5 million tons of wheat, The production is only 12-13 lakh tons. For which about 30-35 lakh tons of wheat has to be imported every year as food grain. At present about 102 lakh tons of potato is being produced in Bangladesh (2016-17). Potatoes are being exported in small quantities to meet the demand of the country. At this moment the habit of eating vegetables and fruits should be increased and production should be increased. We are far behind in pulses and oilseeds. About 80% of edible oil has to be imported. However, soybean oil imports are declining day by day due to the production of rice burn oil from rice husks. Efforts are being made to increase mustard cultivation. New varieties of mustard have been developed which are playing a helpful role in increasing production. As a result of innovation of new varieties of pulses, the production of pulses has already increased significantly. As a result, the price of pulses and the amount of imports have decreased. At present 50% of the demand is being produced in the country. As farmers get prices, cultivation and production of onion-garlic has increased and so has imports Decreased. However, due to the delay in onion cultivation due to floods this year, the price of onion has gone up a lot. Cultivation of bananas, papayas, Thai guavas, apples and pineapples has increased to increase fruit production throughout the year. The government has taken a program to cultivate partial rain dependent aus and full rain dependent seedling aman. Establishment of agricultural farms on commercial basis, Farm mechanization and effective measures of the government and relentless efforts of the Department of Agricultural Extension have taken the present agriculture to a sustainable and prosperous position. However, the farmer is not getting a fair price for his produce, which is a huge challenge. In order to overcome this situation, farmers need to improve the market system by reducing the pressure on middlemen by ensuring fair prices at the time of harvest, especially in other crops including paddy and potatoes. But here the farmer has to be organized. Where the interests of the peasants and workers will be protected and will help to build a prosperous golden Bengal by making the wheel of the economy of Bangladesh more dynamic.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS