1.Sonali Bank Ltd.- www.sonalibank.com.bd
2. One Bank Ltd.- www.onebank.com.bd
3. Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd http://www.islamibankbd.com/
4. Agrani Bank Ltd.- www.agranibank.org
5. Uttara Bank Ltd.- www.uttarabank-bd.com
6. Back Bank Ltd.- https://www.bracbank.com/
7. Dac Bangla Bank Ltd.- https://www.dutchbanglabank.com/
There are currently government or non-governmental banks in Chandraganj union. Local people can withdraw from abroad through Remittance Trust Bank. The money can be withdrawn from the booth of the Western Union by the post office of Chandraganj union.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS