- Integrated visually impaired education activities
- Assistance in providing grants to registered organizations through the Social Welfare Council
- Training and rehabilitation of socially disabled girls
- Heroic freedom fighter honorarium
- Raising and rehabilitating orphans in government child families
- Education activities for the deaf and hard of hearing
- Training and rehabilitation activities for distressed and orphaned children
- Rural Maternity Center (RMC)
- Vocational training and rehabilitation activities for the physically challenged
- Disability Identification Survey, Determination of Types and Dimensions and Issuance of Certificates and Identity Cards
- Financial Assistance Program for Patients with Cancer, Kidney and Liver Cirrhosis
- Microfinance program among the residents in the housing / shelter project
- Training and rehabilitation of nomadic people
- Registration and control of voluntary organizations
- Development activities for children in conflict with and in contact with the law
- Rehabilitation activities for acid burn and disabled persons
- Quality of life development program for Dalits, Harijans and Vedas
- Artificial limb production and marketing
- Medical social service activities
- Rural Social Service (RSS) activities
- Daytime child care activities
- Training and rehabilitation activities for orphans and disabled children
- Education stipend for students with disabilities
- Indigent disability allowance activities
- Probation and After Care Services
- Endangered child protection activities
- Safe Home for Women and Children
- Provide capitation grant to registered private orphanages
- Child rearing and rehabilitation in Chhotamani Nibas
- Livelihood development program for the hijra community
- Quality of life development program for tea workers
- Allowance activities for widows and widowers